N2 Beauty Cosmetics & Skincare Welcomes You To The N2Beauty Lounge.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Steam is the ingredient for a Radiant Complexion.

Nourish the inside to enrich the outside. Water (steam)is the secret to eternal beauty.

Hydrating skin is the most important and a primary concern of an aesthetician such as myself. The fluctuating temperatures in our homes, office, cars are very drying to our skin.
A professional facial includes steam, which is the most effective and beneficial hydrating and skin cleaning procedures. Steam stimulates blood flow because it promotes perspiration. The importance of this step in your facial intensely cleanses the impurites from your skin, which enhance circulation, giving you a healthy, radiant glow. This results in a softer and more hydrated complexion.
Here are the benefits of an N2Beauty Facial with Steam
  • Helps pores eliminate toxins.
  • Softens dead surface cells, for easy exfoliation.
  • Increases blood circulation & Improves cell metabolism.
  • Softens superficial lines.
  • Penetrates deep into the follicles enabling proper cleansing.
Ahhh the wonders of a facial. You should be getting a professional facial cleansing every 4-6 weeks. We spend a lot of time and money on the external, hair as a great example and nails are another. Start investing the same amount of time and care on your FACE...it's the only one you have. What shows on the outside is a reflection of what's on the inside.

Contact the spa for your facial  whether you are a 1st timer or been doing this for years.
You have not experienced the N2 Beauty way.

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