N2 Beauty Cosmetics & Skincare Welcomes You To The N2Beauty Lounge.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Hello Beautiful,
As you know we are undergoing a makeover on our website. We have been having photo shoots and incorporating all the new products into the new store. One day I was sitting with my camera and decided to see what I can shoot. This is what happened and I call it the inspiration of N2 Beauty. Hope you like it.

N2 shopping bag, amongst Fine Things!
traces of my lipstick!
The eyes have it.
Beautiful hues of Fab foundation with Vit E, Shea Butter & Spf18!
pot lip glosses.
Be Spoiled, come and get pampered!
New York City Girl!
etch a sketch. lol
my heart and soul in all I do!
all of these pics are actually done with makeup! The tree is a silky violet eyeshadow, the moon is silverfox shadow,
the grass is eyeliner in olive branch and the "heart" sun is a bronzing blush!
Be Beautiful!

1 comment:

Dr. Cheryl James said...

Beautiful Photos
Beautiful Products